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Current Class Structure


Please contact us to join class:


(Summerour Middle School)
4:30PM - 5:30PM - beginners
5:00PM - 7:00PM - bogu class

(Studio 87 Yoga Studio)
8:00PM - 9:15PM - bogu class

3 Dan and below: $50 / month
Family discount: $40 / month per person

4 dan and above: free

GKA yearly registrations: $30

Beginner classes begin at the first Saturday of each month

Georgia Kendo Association
Beginner Class Registration

Select an option

WAIVER: I hereby agree that Georgia Kendo Association, (GKA) that all exercise and activities are undertaken at my own risk and shall hold harmless from any and all injuries, losses, liabilities, costs, expenses, damages to any person or property, calms or judgments (including but not limited to reasonable attorneys fees and curt costs) sustained during any and all GKA activities and where the applicant is a minor, I the parent or guardian, do hereby agree to the above waiver give permission to the applicant.

CONSENT: I hereby agree that Georgia Kendo Association (GKA) may use my GKA related pictures to post Social Media Services (SDS, ex. GKA Facebook) and GKA website.  If you do consent this, please notify GKA administrative-team.

See you soon!

Contact Us

Thanks! Message sent.

New Member Form

Please print and fill out this application prior to joining class.

Monthly Class Fee:

$50 per person

Yearly GKA membership:


Yearly AUSKF/SEUSKF membership

(required for promotion tests)

$60 - under 18

$120 - 18 and over

Optional Purchases:

shinai (bamboo sword) : $35

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